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Maintaining Shower Safety: Adjusting Your Anti-Scald Mixing Valve

shower anti scald valve

When it comes to shower safety, an essential component that often goes unnoticed is the anti-scald mixing valve. This small but crucial device ensures that the water temperature in your shower stays at a comfortable and safe level. Let’s discuss the purpose of this device and we’ll guide you through the process of adjusting it.


**The Purpose of an Anti-Scald Mixing Valve:**

An anti-scald mixing valve, also known as a thermostatic mixing valve, plays a vital role in preventing scalding incidents in your shower. Its primary purpose is to maintain a consistent water temperature, even when there are fluctuations in hot and cold water supply. This helps to protect you and your loved ones from sudden, unexpected changes in water temperature, ensuring a safe and enjoyable shower experience.


**How to Adjust Your Anti-Scald Mixing Valve:**

Adjusting your anti-scald mixing valve is a relatively simple process, and it’s essential to do so if you notice that the water temperature in your shower is inconsistent or too hot/cold. Here are the steps to follow:


  1. **Locate the Mixing Valve:** The anti-scald mixing valve is usually situated near your shower’s plumbing, often behind the wall or under the shower handle.


  1. **Turn Off the Water Supply:** To make adjustments, turn off the water supply to your shower. This is typically done by shutting off the main water valve in your home.


  1. **Remove the Cover:** Carefully remove the cover or trim plate that conceals the mixing valve. You may need a screwdriver to do this.


  1. **Adjust the Temperature Setting:** Inside the mixing valve, you’ll find a temperature adjustment knob or dial. Rotate it to the desired temperature. Some valves may have a temperature limit stop that prevents water from becoming too hot.


  1. **Test the Water:** Turn the water supply back on and test the water temperature to ensure it’s comfortable and safe. Adjust the valve as needed until you achieve the desired temperature.


  1. **Replace the Cover:** Once you’re satisfied with the water temperature, replace the cover or trim plate.


  1. **Regular Maintenance:** It’s a good practice to periodically check and adjust your anti-scald mixing valve to ensure it continues to function correctly.



Your shower should be a place of relaxation and comfort, and a well-adjusted anti-scald mixing valve can help. By following these simple steps, you can ensure that your shower water remains at a safe and consistent temperature, preventing any unpleasant surprises. Regular maintenance of your anti-scald mixing valve will contribute to a safer and more enjoyable shower for you and your family.


For more home maintenance tips and professional inspection services, feel free to reach out to us at Candid. 
