The Importance of Home Buyer’s Inspections: A Comprehensive Guide

home buyer inspection


Purchasing a home is a significant investment, and as a savvy homebuyer, you want to ensure that you’re making an informed decision. That’s where home buyer’s inspections come into play. In this guide, we’ll explore what these inspections entail, why they matter, and how Candid Home Inspections can assist you in this crucial process.

home buyer inspection

What Is a Home Buyer’s Inspection?

A home buyer’s inspection is a thorough examination of a property conducted by a certified home inspector. Its primary purpose is to identify any existing or potential issues with the property. Here’s what you need to know:

  1. Comprehensive Assessment: During the inspection, the home inspector evaluates various aspects of the property, including the foundation, roof, electrical systems, plumbing, HVAC, and more. They look for safety hazards, structural deficiencies, and maintenance issues.
  2. Peace of Mind: As a homebuyer, you gain peace of mind knowing that a professional has thoroughly examined the property. Any hidden problems are brought to light, allowing you to make an informed decision.
  3. Negotiation Power: If the inspection reveals significant issues, you can negotiate repairs or adjustments with the seller. It empowers you to make an informed decision about proceeding with the purchase.

Why Choose Candid Home Inspections?

1. Expertise and Certification

Candid Home Inspections boasts a team of ASHI-certified inspectors. The American Society of Home Inspectors (ASHI) sets rigorous standards for home inspectors, ensuring that you receive top-notch service.

2. Local Knowledge

Being based in Inman, South Carolina, Candid Home Inspections understands the unique challenges and features of homes in the Upstate of South Carolina. Our inspectors are well-versed in local building codes and regulations.

3. Thorough and Detailed Reports

Our inspection reports are comprehensive and easy to understand. We provide detailed information about any issues found during the inspection, complete with photographs and recommendations.

4. Radon Testing and Mold Inspection

Candid Home Inspections offers specialized services such as radon testing and mold inspection. These are critical for maintaining a healthy living environment.

5. Veteran-Owned and Operated

We take pride in being a veteran-owned and operated business. Our commitment to excellence and integrity sets us apart.


Don’t underestimate the importance of a home buyer’s inspection. It’s an investment in your future home’s safety and well-being. When choosing an inspection partner, trust Candid Home Inspections to provide thorough, reliable, and professional service.

Contact us today to schedule your home inspection!


We Made the News!

Annual Home Inspections

Recently, our Owner, Grant Blackwell, sat down with WSPA Your Carolina news to discuss the current state of the real estate market, how to use home inspections to be proactive as a homeowner and avoid costly damage to your home, as well as his transition from prior military service into starting Candid Home Inspections over 10 years ago.

Please click the link to enjoy the full video below!

Candid Home Inspections on Your Carolina

Washing Machine Drains: Why Size Matters

washing machine drain

When it comes to home inspections and the plumbing systems in a house, every detail matters. One of those that can make a significant difference is the size of the washer drain pipe. In this post, we’ll explore the difference between having a 1.5-inch drain and a 2-inch washer drain.


**1.5-Inch Washer Drain Pipe:**


A 1.5-inch washer drain pipe is a common standard in many homes. It’s sufficient for most residential washing machines and is the minimum size allowed by most building codes. While it does the job, there are some limitations to consider:


  1. **Flow Rate:** A 1.5-inch drain pipe may have a slower flow rate, which means it can take longer for the water to drain from the washing machine. This can be a concern if you have a large household with frequent laundry needs.


  1. **Risk of Clogs:** The smaller diameter increases the risk of clogs due to lint and debris accumulating in the pipe. Regular maintenance may be needed to prevent blockages.


  1. **Noise:** Sometimes, the water rushing through a smaller pipe can create a noisy, gurgling sound, which may not be ideal, especially if the laundry area is close to living spaces.


**2-Inch Washer Drain Pipe:**


A 2-inch washer drain pipe offers several advantages:


  1. **Improved Flow:** With a larger diameter, the 2-inch pipe allows for faster water drainage, reducing the time it takes to complete a washing cycle.


  1. **Less Clog Risk:** The increased size minimizes the likelihood of clogs, as larger debris can pass through more easily. This reduces the need for frequent maintenance.


  1. **Reduced Noise:** The larger pipe typically results in quieter drainage, making the laundry process less disruptive to the household.


**Considerations for Your Home Inspection:**


While a 1.5-inch pipe may meet the minimum requirements, there are clear benefits to having a 2-inch drain pipe. If a 1.5-inch pipe is in place, the homeowner should be aware of the potential limitations and maintenance requirements.


It’s worth considering the installation of a 2-inch drain pipe, especially for households with high laundry demands. This can contribute to a more efficient and trouble-free laundry experience. The larger pipe size offers advantages that may be well worth considering especially with some newer high efficiency washing machines. During home inspections, addressing this detail can help homeowners make informed decisions about their plumbing systems.

Home Inspectors: A Day In The Life

home inspector

Being a home inspector can be an interesting and sometimes humorous job. Here are some funny challenges that home inspectors like us might encounter:


  1. Unpredictable Homeowner Pets: As a home inspector, you never know what kind of furry or feathered friends you might encounter at a property. From overenthusiastic dogs trying to help you inspect to a curious parrot mimicking your comments, it’s all part of the adventure!


  1. Surprising Discoveries: Home inspectors often stumble upon unexpected surprises in homes, like hidden rooms, bizarre home renovations, or peculiar collections. It’s like being a detective, uncovering the secrets of a house.


  1. Awkward Moments: Sometimes, you might walk into a room just as the homeowner is stepping out of the shower or discover an embarrassing family photo on the wall. 


  1. ‘DIY’ Gone Wrong: Homeowners attempting DIY projects often create unique inspection challenges. It’s not unusual to find creative, albeit not very effective, solutions to home improvement problems.


  1. Weird Odors: Homes can have their unique smells, which sometimes leave inspectors wondering what they’ve walked into. From funky cooking experiments to mysterious odors, every day on the job is a sensory adventure.


  1. The ‘Haunted’ House Jokes: Home inspectors often hear jokes about checking for ghosts or spirits in the house. While not scientifically relevant, it’s a common humorous reference.


  1. Overly Detailed Clients: Some clients want every tiny detail documented, which can be amusing when you’re asked to inspect things like the number of nails in a wall or the exact angles of door frames.


  1. The ‘Inspector Gadget’ Moments: Home inspectors often carry various tools and gadgets to aid in their inspections. Sometimes, clients are fascinated by these tools and may even suggest using them for purposes beyond their intended use.


  1. The Great Escape: Home inspectors are occasionally challenged by homes that seem like mazes. Navigating tight crawl spaces or attics can lead to some comical moments and a greater appreciation for flexibility.


In the world of home inspections, humor often arises from the unexpected and unique experiences one encounters. Grant Blackwell and his team at Candid surely have their fair share of funny anecdotes to share with each new property they inspect.

Galvanized Water Supply Lines: Why Does It Matter?

galvanized pipe

Old galvanized water supply lines may not be the first thing on your mind when you think about home maintenance, but they can pose some serious issues if they’re still in use in your property. Here at Candid Home Inspections LLC, we understand the importance of staying informed about potential problems that can affect your home, and old galvanized water supply lines are certainly one of those concerns. 


Galvanized pipes were once a popular choice for water supply lines due to their durability and resistance to corrosion. However, they come with their own set of problems as they age:


  1. **Corrosion:** Over time, the protective zinc coating on the inside of galvanized pipes can deteriorate. This can lead to rust and corrosion, which may cause the pipes to become weakened and even develop leaks.


  1. **Reduced Water Flow:** As corrosion builds up inside the pipes, it can restrict the flow of water. This may result in reduced water pressure and less efficient water distribution throughout your home.


  1. **Water Quality:** The rust and corrosion that develop on the inside of galvanized pipes can affect the quality of the water coming out of your taps. You may notice discolored or tainted water, which isn’t safe for drinking or using in everyday household tasks.


  1. **Leaks and Breaks:** Galvanized pipes can become brittle with age, and the corrosion weakens them. This makes them more susceptible to leaks and even full-blown pipe breaks, which can lead to water damage in your home.


  1. **Maintenance Costs:** Dealing with the issues caused by old galvanized water supply lines can be costly. You may need to replace sections or the entire plumbing system, which can be a significant expense.


If you suspect that your home has old galvanized water supply lines, it’s a good idea to have them inspected by a professional. At Candid, we offer thorough inspections to identify potential problems and recommend the best course of action. Upgrading to modern plumbing materials, such as copper or PEX, is often a wise choice to ensure a reliable and safe water supply in your home.


Don’t let old galvanized water supply lines be a hidden issue in your home. Contact us today at 864-207-6073 or visit our website at to schedule an inspection and ensure the water supply in your home is safe and efficient. Your peace of mind is our priority!

Maintaining Shower Safety: Adjusting Your Anti-Scald Mixing Valve

shower anti scald valve

When it comes to shower safety, an essential component that often goes unnoticed is the anti-scald mixing valve. This small but crucial device ensures that the water temperature in your shower stays at a comfortable and safe level. Let’s discuss the purpose of this device and we’ll guide you through the process of adjusting it.


**The Purpose of an Anti-Scald Mixing Valve:**

An anti-scald mixing valve, also known as a thermostatic mixing valve, plays a vital role in preventing scalding incidents in your shower. Its primary purpose is to maintain a consistent water temperature, even when there are fluctuations in hot and cold water supply. This helps to protect you and your loved ones from sudden, unexpected changes in water temperature, ensuring a safe and enjoyable shower experience.


**How to Adjust Your Anti-Scald Mixing Valve:**

Adjusting your anti-scald mixing valve is a relatively simple process, and it’s essential to do so if you notice that the water temperature in your shower is inconsistent or too hot/cold. Here are the steps to follow:


  1. **Locate the Mixing Valve:** The anti-scald mixing valve is usually situated near your shower’s plumbing, often behind the wall or under the shower handle.


  1. **Turn Off the Water Supply:** To make adjustments, turn off the water supply to your shower. This is typically done by shutting off the main water valve in your home.


  1. **Remove the Cover:** Carefully remove the cover or trim plate that conceals the mixing valve. You may need a screwdriver to do this.


  1. **Adjust the Temperature Setting:** Inside the mixing valve, you’ll find a temperature adjustment knob or dial. Rotate it to the desired temperature. Some valves may have a temperature limit stop that prevents water from becoming too hot.


  1. **Test the Water:** Turn the water supply back on and test the water temperature to ensure it’s comfortable and safe. Adjust the valve as needed until you achieve the desired temperature.


  1. **Replace the Cover:** Once you’re satisfied with the water temperature, replace the cover or trim plate.


  1. **Regular Maintenance:** It’s a good practice to periodically check and adjust your anti-scald mixing valve to ensure it continues to function correctly.



Your shower should be a place of relaxation and comfort, and a well-adjusted anti-scald mixing valve can help. By following these simple steps, you can ensure that your shower water remains at a safe and consistent temperature, preventing any unpleasant surprises. Regular maintenance of your anti-scald mixing valve will contribute to a safer and more enjoyable shower for you and your family.


For more home maintenance tips and professional inspection services, feel free to reach out to us at Candid. 

Winter in the South: How to Prepare Your Largest Investment

winterize your home

Winter weather in Spartanburg, SC can be unpredictable, so it’s essential to get your home ready for whatever Mother Nature has in store. At Candid, we understand the importance of a well-prepared home. Here are some tips to ensure your home stays cozy and safe during the colder months:


  1. **Check Your Heating System:** Before the chill sets in, have your heating system inspected by a professional. Clean or replace filters, and make sure everything is in working order. A well-maintained heating system not only keeps you warm but also helps save on energy costs.


  1. **Seal Drafts:** Cold drafts can make your home feel chilly even with the heat on. Check for drafts around windows and doors, and seal any gaps with weatherstripping or caulking. This simple step can make a significant difference in maintaining a comfortable temperature indoors.


  1. **Insulate Pipes:** Freezing temperatures can lead to burst pipes, causing costly damage. Insulate exposed pipes, especially in crawl spaces or attics, to prevent them from freezing. Don’t forget to disconnect and drain outdoor hoses to avoid potential issues.


  1. **Clean Gutters:** Remove leaves and debris from your gutters to prevent clogs. This ensures proper drainage and prevents ice dams from forming on your roof. While you’re up there, inspect your roof for any damaged or missing shingles.


  1. **Protect Outdoor Equipment:** Store outdoor furniture, grills, and other equipment in a sheltered area or cover them to protect them from winter elements. This not only extends their lifespan but also saves you from dealing with weather-damaged items come spring.


  1. **Stock Up on Winter Supplies:** Be prepared for winter storms by stocking up on essentials like rock salt, snow shovels, and emergency supplies. It’s better to have these items on hand before you need them.


  1. **Check Detectors:** With windows closed and heating systems running, the risk of carbon monoxide and fire hazards increases. Test and replace batteries in smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors to ensure they are in working order.


  1. **Winterize Your Lawn:** Give your lawn some attention before the first freeze. Trim trees and bushes away from your home, and fertilize your lawn to promote healthy growth come spring.


As the owner of Candid Home Inspections LLC, I believe in the power of a well-maintained home. By following these tips, you can ensure that your home is ready to face whatever winter brings its way. Stay warm and cozy!


The Importance of Annual Home Inspections: A Wise Investment for Homeowners

annual home inspection

Owning a home is a significant investment, and like any investment, it requires regular maintenance and care to ensure its longevity. One crucial aspect of home maintenance that often goes overlooked is the annual home inspection. At Candid Home Inspections LLC, we understand the value of this practice, and we’re here to shed light on why every homeowner should make it a priority.


**1. Early Detection of Issues:**

An annual home inspection acts as a preventive measure, allowing us to identify potential issues before they escalate into major problems. From leaky roofs to electrical issues, catching these problems early can save you a considerable amount of time, stress, and money in the long run.


**2. Protect Your Investment:**

Your home isn’t just a place to live; it’s an investment in your future. Regular inspections help protect this investment by ensuring all components of your home are functioning as they should. Addressing small issues promptly can prevent them from turning into future costly repairs.


**3. Ensure Safety:**

Home safety should always be a top priority. Our thorough inspections cover not only visible issues but also potential safety hazards. From faulty wiring to fire hazards, we prioritize your family’s safety and well-being.


**4. Peace of Mind:**

Knowing that your home is in good condition provides peace of mind. Our experienced team at Candid Home Inspections LLC has been recognized with the “Community Choice” award for Spartanburg, SC, five years in a row. With us, you can trust that your home is in capable hands.


**5. Compliance with Standards:**

If you’re planning to sell your home in the future, having a documented history of annual inspections can be a valuable asset. It demonstrates to potential buyers that you’ve taken proactive steps to maintain and care for your property, instilling confidence in the overall quality of the home.


At Candid, we believe in the power of knowledge and transparency. Our veteran-owned business is dedicated to providing comprehensive and reliable inspections, ensuring that your home remains a safe and comfortable haven for years to come.


Don’t wait until issues arise—schedule your annual home inspection with Candid Home Inspections LLC today and invest in the long-term health of your home.


Contact us at 864-207-6073 or visit for more information.

Crawlspaces and High Humidity: When to Take Action

crawlspace humidity

Crawlspaces are an integral part of many homes, providing access to essential components like wiring, plumbing, and insulation. However, when a crawlspace reaches 100% relative humidity, it can lead to a host of problems that every homeowner should be aware of.


Candid Home Inspections LLC is no stranger to the issues that arise from crawlspaces with high humidity levels. With a strong reputation as a veteran-owned business and a five-time recipient of the “Community Choice” award in Spartanburg, SC, Grant and his team have encountered and addressed these challenges numerous times.


One of the primary concerns associated with a crawlspace that has reached 100% relative humidity is moisture-related damage. Excessive moisture can lead to the development of mold and mildew, which not only compromise the structural integrity of the home but also pose health risks to its occupants. Mold spores can become airborne, causing respiratory problems and allergies.


Furthermore, high humidity in the crawlspace can lead to wood rot. The wooden beams and subfloor in your home’s foundation are at risk when moisture content is consistently high. This not only weakens the structural support of the house but also attracts pests like termites and carpenter ants.


To combat these issues, Grant and his team at Candid Home Inspections LLC recommend taking proactive steps. Proper ventilation and insulation are key to regulating humidity levels in the crawlspace. Installing a vapor barrier can also help prevent moisture from seeping into the space from the ground.


The Candid Team’s expertise in home inspections means that he can identify and address these problems, ensuring that your home remains safe and in good condition. To learn more about his services and how Candid can help protect your home from crawlspace-related issues, visit their website at or reach out to them at 864-207-6073.


In conclusion, a crawlspace with 100% relative humidity can lead to a multitude of problems, from structural damage to health hazards. Homeowners should be vigilant in maintaining proper ventilation and insulation in their crawlspaces to prevent these issues. Grant and his team at Candid Home Inspections LLC are experts in this field and can assist you in safeguarding your home from these concerns.


Checking for Permits: Why It Matters


Checking for permits when buying a new home with an addition is a crucial step in the home buying process. Here are some key points to consider:


  1. **Ensuring Safety and Quality**: The primary purpose of building permits is to ensure that construction work is done safely and meets the required quality standards. When you’re buying a home with an addition, you want to be sure that the work was carried out correctly, up to code, and that it won’t pose safety risks down the road.


  1. **Legal Compliance**: Unpermitted additions can lead to serious legal issues. In some cases, local authorities may require homeowners to remove unpermitted structures, which can be costly and stressful. When buying a home, it’s important to make sure that everything is above board to avoid potential legal troubles.


  1. **Property Value**: Permitted additions can increase the value of a home. When you have the proper permits for an addition, it’s a clear sign that the work was done professionally and up to code. This can make your property more attractive to future buyers if you decide to sell.


  1. **Resale Considerations**: If you’re buying a home with the intention of reselling it in the future, you’ll want to ensure that the addition is properly permitted. It’s easier to market a home with a legal, permitted addition, as buyers often appreciate the peace of mind that comes with it.


  1. **Home Insurance**: Insurance companies may have reservations about covering unpermitted additions. Having the correct permits in place can help streamline the insurance process and ensure you have adequate coverage for your home.


  1. **Home Inspection**: At Candid Home Inspections LLC, we understand the value of a thorough home inspection. When purchasing a home, it’s a good idea to include a check for permits as part of your inspection process. This can uncover any potential issues that need to be addressed.


In conclusion, the importance of checking for permits when buying a home with an addition cannot be overstated. It’s a vital step in ensuring safety, legal compliance, and the long-term value of your investment. As a seasoned home inspector and the owner of a reputable business, you’re well-equipped to guide your clients through this essential aspect of the home buying process.